The Seawater, So Blue It’s Black

羅玉梅的創作常以「水體」為線索,探索香港的地緣政治與歷史,以及冷戰時期亞裔人口的海上遷移。作為其首本作品集,《海水藍到變黑》藉由一個錯置的地理想像去展開一趟跨越十三年(2010 -2023)的創作回溯,不只召喚了許多藝術家過往做田野調查時的身體記憶;空間、情感、記憶紐結想像,十多年,交織出一個麻花,是藝術家給自己的一條救生繩,如她在自序寫下:「欲前行,如果可以」 。
Law Yuk Mui’s works often anchored on the notion of water as the point of departure to explore the geopolitics and history of Hong Kong, as well as the maritime migration of Asian populations in a Cold War context. As her first monograph spans 13 years (2010 -2023) of creations, The Seawater, So Blue It’s Black is a journey of retrospection that began with a misplaced ‘imagined geography’. It not only summoned Law’s bodily memories of fieldwork, but also spatial, emotional, and mnemonic entanglements and imaginations that have knotted into a lifeline for the artist to move forward.
書本資料 Book info.
作者 Author_羅玉梅Law Yuk-mui
編輯Editor_羅玉梅Law Yuk-mui
編審 Copy-editors_連安洋Lin On-yeung, 馮美華 May Fung, 曾凱鈴 Hailey Tsang Hoi-ling
書籍設計Book Designer_蘇瑋琳So Wai-lam
出版及發行Publisher and Distributor藝鵠有限公司 Art and Culture Outreach Limited
國際書號 ISBN 978-988-75843-4-6
Special Thanks for all the scholars and writers for your authorization to publish
韋一空教授 Professor Frank Vigneron
麥海珊博士 Dr Anson Mak Hoi-shan
陳智廷博士Dr Timmy Chen Chih-ting
丁穎茵博士Dr Vivian Ting Wing-yan
鄭秀慧博士Dr Vennes Cheng Sau-wai
梁皓然Leung Ho-yin
梁展峰Jeff Leung Chin-fung
查映嵐Evelyn Char Ying-lam
瞿暢博士Dr Qu Chang
Dr Caroline Ha Thuc
萬豐Chris Wan Feng
*資助 Supported by
Hong Kong Arts Development Council supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.
Hong Kong Arts Development Council supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.