Law Yuk-mui is a multidisciplinary artist, currently lives and works between Japan and Hong Kong.
Graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Master of Fine Arts (MFA). She is the co-founder and deputy director of the artist-run organisation Rooftop Institute (2016-2022).
Using performative video and sound installation as her mediums of preference, and adopting the methodology of field study and collecting, she often intervenes in the mundane space and daily life of the city and catches the physical traces of history, psychological pathways of human, the marks of time and the political power in relation to geographic space. Law often digs beyond the surface, through which she would recover fragments of narratives and micro histories. She is also sensitive to remnants in the art making process and finds imaginative ways to re-use and reactivate these things.
Law Yuk-mui have been named to Foundwork Artist Prize 2021 short list, and received The Awards for young artist (media art category) of Hong Kong Arts development Awards and the Excellence Award (Media Art Category) of The 23rd ifva Awards in 2018.
羅玉梅畢業於香港中文大學藝術碩士,是藝術家營運機構「 天台塾 」創辦人之一。創作以展演性錄像及聲音裝置藝術置為主要媒介。常以田野調查和搜集為方法,介入城市空間及日常,捕捉歷史的物理痕跡、人的心理軌跡、時間的形跡與地緣政治的關係。羅玉梅亦擅於挖掘表層下的細碎敘事與物事,鉤沉微歷史,以及重新想像創作的剩餘物,賦予其全新意義。
羅玉梅入圍2021 Foundwork Artist Prize 最終候選名單, 於2018年同時獲香港藝術發展局藝術新秀獎(媒體藝術)和第十五屆ifva獨立短片及影像媒體比賽(媒體藝術組)傑出作品獎。
2010年香港中文大学美術学部修士課程を修了しました。パフォーマンスや、映像・サウンドを用いたインスタレーションを中心に創作をしています。フィールドリサーチを駆使することで、都市空間と日常生活の中から歴史の痕跡や人々の心理的軌跡、時間の形跡、地政学などの関係を掬いだすことを主題としています。またより深く掘り下げそこから小さな断片を掘り起こし、そのミクロストリアに触れてそれらを再構成することでそこに新たな意味を創造します。2021年, ニューヨークのFoundwork Artist Prizeのファイナリストに選ばれた、2018年に香港芸術発展賞の「若手アーティスト賞」(メディアアートカテゴリー)と第23回ifvaアワードの優秀賞を受賞した。
ロウ・ユックムイさんの作品はよく「水域」をテーマにして、香港の地理を描き出している。例えば「ヴィクリアの東」は干拓で消滅した海を探す。「潮が流れてくる方向」は海を渡った、国境を越える人の移動の物語を記述する。 「水域」が彼女の作品では、香港の地理と地政学を表す主な要素であるだけではなく、個人の記憶とアイデンティティーと感情も反映している。 ——「川の上では誰も歌わない」の展覧会図録、瞿暢 (クー・チャング)「So Much Water」から 抜粋)
Academic Background
BA Fine arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MFA Fine arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Special commission
(I stay quiet as a stone),「from there to here」.
cross-media performances at Danceless Complex 2003, commissioned by Unlock Dancing Plaza.
I Talk like a River , Sound Forms 2022, Bounding in Void (curated by Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong) ,Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong.
Pastiche, Medialogue, Hong Kong Visual Art Center.
From whence the waves came, commissioned by Parasite Art Space, Hong Kong.
Archiving The Mills Through The Lens, commissioned by Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile (CHAT), Hong Kong.
Shark Eats Shadow, commissioned by Hong Kong Youth Art Foundation.
Here are the years that walk between, Hong Kong Sinfonietta special commission, Artis Tree, Tai koo Place, Hong Kong
Solo Exhibitions
Take Me to the River, Draw me a star, Tomorrow Maybe, Hong Kong.
Song of the Exile, Dreeem Lab, Hong Kong.
Goodbye, See You Again, Victoria East, Taipei Digital Art Centre.
There is No One Singing On The River, Oil Street Art Space, Hong Kong.
From whence the waves came, Parasite’s Booth in Art Basel Hong Kong.
Victoria East, Videotage, Cattle depot, Hong Kong.
Selected Group Exhibitions
Nomadic, Jim Thompson Art Center, Bangkok
Objects Remind of You, Taipei, Taiwan
State-less 無國界, Two Temple Place, London, British
Blue throat – Start the Churning, Art Central 2023, Hong Kong
The Drifts, VT Artsalon, Taipei, Taiwan
HOMELAND in TRANSIT , MOMENTUM, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin
Michikusa: Walks with the Unknown, Art Tower Mito, Japan
SEA BREEZE: Para Site x Biennale Jogja, Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Center, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
BETWEEN STRIPES AND SCRATCHES: Biennale Jogja XV Fringe Event, Galeri Lorong, Yogyakarta,Indonesia.
「最」大展 ‘THE’ Survey Exhibition, Cattle depot, Hong Kong.
The 23rd ifva Festival, Media Art Category Finalist Exhibition, Pao Gallery, Hong Kong Art Center.
Future Life Handbook, Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art, Guangzhou, China.
Talkover/Handover 2.0, 1a space, Cattle depot, Hong Kong.
Busan International Short Film Festival (BISFF), “Landscape of Asian Shorts” session.
Time Test: International Video Art Research Exhibition,co-presented by CAFA Art Museum and Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, Beijing; Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art, Guangzhou
A Room with a View, 5th Singapore International Photography Festival (SIPF), Earl Lu Gallery, Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore, Lasalle College of the Arts.
Both Sides Now ii – it was the best of times it was the worst of times, Britain, China, Hong Kong.
A Room with A View – Her Hong Kong stories through the lens of six female artists, Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery, CVA Building, Hong Kong Baptist University.
All About Poetry, Southern District Literature Day, Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation special commission, Aberdeen Typhoon Shelters,Hong Kong.
The Scarlet Bauhinia in Full Bloom, AJC, Hong Kong
[en]counters 2014 (“Is there love in this air?”), Mumbai, India
Sound of image, The cattle depot, Hong Kong
Here are the years that walk between, Hong Kong Sinfonietta special commission, Artis Tree, Tai koo Place, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Contemporary Art Award 2013, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Artwalk Extra
2nd Beijing International Film Festival, China
Second Hand Material Original Works 2, Fotanian Open Studio 2012, Hong Kong
Second-Hand Material Original Works: Hong Kong Experimental Shorts, Videotage, Hong Kong
The Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film and Video Festival (KLEX), Malaysia
Asian Experimental Video Festival in Macao (EXiM 2011 ), OXwarehouse, Macau
A Wedding, Para/Site Art Space, Hong Kong
The 16th Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards (IFVA), Hong Kong Art Center, Hong Kong
Moontage in Moonlife concept store, ArtHub Asia, Shanghai, China
You Are Here, I Am Not – From Ho Siu Kee to Kong Chun Hei, Lui Chun Kwong and students group Exhibition, Osage, Hong Kong
inter-city, Art in Busan 2009, Busan, South Korea
FENG YU PIAO YAO AI GUO SHI, Artist Commune, the Cattle Depot, Hong Kong
The Alchemy of Shadows, Third LianZhou International photo Festival, LianZhou, China
Think after ink, Blue Lotus Gallery, Fotan. Hong Kong
Reversing Horizons – Artists reflections of the Hong Kong handover 10th anniversary, Museum of contemporary Art (MoCA), Shanghai, China
Amusement Park, Art Beatus Gallery, Hong Kong
Away- Group Exhibition of contemporary visual artists, 1A space, The cattle depot, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition 2005, Hong Kong Museum of Art
The circuit exhibitions of Philippe Charriol Foundation 20th Anniversary Art Competition,Philippe Charriol Foundation
Art market 2004,Parasite art space, Hong Kong
Foundwork Artist Prize (shortlist)
Awards for young artist (media art category), Hong Kong development council
Excellence Award, Media Art Category, The 23rd ifva Awards, Hong Kong
The selected entries of Hong Kong Contemporary Art Award 2013
Jury Recommendation, Open Category, 16th IFVA Awards, Hong Kong
The dean’s List of 2005-2006 for outstanding Academic performance (Faculty of Arts)
Alfred S.U. Ho Memorial Prize 2005/2006
Cheung’s Fine Art Award 2005-2006
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Creativity Student Award
The selected entries of Hong Kong Art Biennial 2005-2006
Philippe Charriol Foundation 20th Anniversary Art Competition
1ST runner-up
HKADC Delegation in Gwangju Biennale 2016, Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Mayching Kao Fine Arts Fund
Friend’s of art museum Research Grant
Philippe Charriol Foundation (Switzerland)
Annie Wong Art Foundation (Hong Kong)
Private collection (Hong Kong/ Oversea)
Yiqingzhai collection (Hong Kong)
Pierpaolo Barzan (Italy)
Art Beatus Gallery (Hong Kong/ Canada)
Jury and facilitator
2046 Fermentation + Fellowships (Parasite Hong Kong)
Archive and Preservation
Videotage Media Art Collection (VMAC)